Hello Internet,

Now I know I’ve mentioned this movie before and how much I have wanted to see it. I have finally gotten my hands on a copy! This was my half way break in the Resident Evil marathon I’m currently in so I’ll post that review soon too.

What Maisie Knew (2013)


Director: Scott McGehee and David Siegel

Starring: Julianne Moore, Steve Coogan, Alexander Skarsgård, Johanna Vanderham, and Onata Aprile

Rating: R

The Plot: The story of a little girl caught in her parents’ bitter divorce and custody battle.

The Review: I’m going to say right off the bat I loved this movie. It was simultaneously the cutest and saddest thing I’ve ever seen. The story itself is sad which is Maisie being caught in her parents’ ugly divorce and custody battle but the cuteness comes from her interaction with the man that her mom marries in order to try to win the custody battle played by Alexander Skarsgård. Now the story is from Maisie’s perspective, I know shocker since it is called What Maisie Knew, so it tells only the events she sees, making the narrative a bit gapped but it makes sense that it does. The film has a quiet peace that is constantly being disrupted by the explosive arguments of those around her and I found myself hating both Julianne Moore and Steve Coogan at times because their sole focus was on themselves not on their kid but by their final scenes I shifted to feeling a sense of sadness for them because you can see that both of them understand that they may not be the most suited to take care of Maisie. With the mom being a rock star always on tour and the dad an art dealer always away on business the little girl is always left in the car of other, mainly her babysitter Margo and mom’s new husband Lincoln. Although I can say the Julianne Moore has never played a character that annoyed  me more because their are times she is really a terrible parent. I think, what made this film so heartbreaking in some scenes was that the viewer sometimes understands more of what’s going then Maisie’s character does since she is just so young but then there are the times when she is just so cute because despite not knowing what is going on completely she’s tries to do what she can. I was just completely entranced by this movie and can say it was worth the wait and hunt for.

Watch it?

Yes, absolutely.

Trailer Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrGzb1nBBl4

Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn5T_sKdlv8

More info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1932767/?ref_=sr_1

Don’t forget you can leave me a comment, opinion, or recommendation and I will try to respond as soon as I can because I honestly love hearing what you guys think. Keep an eye out for a review of all five of the Resident Evil movies soon.


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