I Sense a Nomination

Hola Readers,

There’s only one thing I hate about the summer and that is the movie slow period I seem to encounter every time. After taking a look at this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly, which I subscribe to just for giggles, I see that it might pick up but it won’t be as crazy like this May was this year.  So this one was an outing with my cousin and we thought hey the cast is phenomenal, why not? Though there will probably be the Resident Evil review I keep saying I’ll post this week too since well finally just finished those. Took longer then I thought.

Lee Daniels’ The Butler (2013)


Director: Lee Daniels

Starring: Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack, Cuba Gooding Jr., and so many more.

Rating: PG-13

The Plot: The life story of Cecil Gaines who served eight presidents during the countries most transitional time.

The Review: My cousin and I always like to play a game in which we try to predict which films will be nominated for the Academy Award each year. Well we this is definitely a contender for best picture and best actress for Oprah Winfrey stunning performance as the wife of Cecil Gaines. Serious that woman scared me at one point. So about the film let me first say what the hell, did they get every great person in Hollywood to do this movie? Seriously, that cast is ridiculous but still amazing nonetheless. I’m always hesitate about seeing biopics in theaters, you never know which way it’s going to go, good, bad, who knows? How much are they going to put in? How much will be taken out? So, the film crammed almost all of one man’s life into three hours so it did jump forward quite a bit so that what quite a whirlwind at times, jumping forward years and sometimes between people. The story itself showed depth and told the tale of one man’s great struggle but like I said the film went quickly so I felt that we as a viewer saw both too much and not enough if that makes any sense. Costume and visually the film was as stunning as the cast and were both ever changing to fit the many time periods it spanned. Though besides that I really liked that each character grew and evolved right in front of your eyes and that it wasn’t affected by the sudden jump in time. The film is a sad and a very serious story, so don’t expect it to get happy even if the film has a brief lapse and the characters are happy. The film also showed the conflicting ways of fighting against oppression with the two primary examples being Cecil and his son and how they each reach a understanding of what they’re fighting for and how. It’s inspirational and hard hitting, highlighting the careful subject of segregation and oppression of a whole group of people before, through, and after the civil rights movement. It does not idealize all of the American presidents as history book do but shows that each had an individual approach to running the country through brief glances and interaction with Cecil that affect his life and the life of a country.

Watch it?

If you’re in the mood for a deep movie with a slightly sad and serious story and inspirational feel to it, sure.

Trailer Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ4xDTz8Avc

Clip1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs9KlVYDZjM

Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTmbHFI0iO8

More info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1327773/?ref_=sr_1

 One more thing is the Mortal Instruments: City of Bones came out this week so  I really excited to see that. I will definitely be following that up with a post that has a good amount of fangirling so forgive me ahead of time and don’t judge.

Until next time,
