Hobbits, Dwarves, and Elves…Oh my!

Hey Internet,

The New Year is here so let the reviewing continue! I opened my new year with crying my eyes out on Doctor Who and screaming over Sherlock. I wonder if that’s an indication on how my year in movies and fandoms is going to go.

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (2013)


Director: Peter Jackson

Starring: Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lily, Luke Evans, Lee Pace, Cate Blanchett, and Aidan Turner

Rating: PG-13

The Plot:  Bilbo, Gandalf, and the 13 dwarves continue their quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain.

The Review: I’m not huge Lord of the Rings fan and I can’t say I read the books. I mean I skimmed the books so I know basically the story but as for details for adaptation comparison purposes, I apologize, I’m at a loss. Well the first Lord of the Rings movies, that actually take place after these movies I know, are not bad. They’re great in cinematography, dialogue, casting, directing; you name it really and their great but they’re so incredibly long which kind of take away from the beauty of the films. The first movie in The Hobbit trilogy was the same in that it was beautiful in visuals and great in all other aspects but it was long though I didn’t feel the length as much as when I watched the Lord of the Rings maybe because it had more humor. I do still love Merry and Pippin and Gimli and Legolas. I was always did want more of Legolas in the Lord of the Rings movies just because he looked so awesome and yet we only got to see glimpses of what he could do.  The entricement of Legolas being more in this one, I admit, was a factor in why I went to go see this one and because the awesome She-elf, Tauriel, that was in the trailer. Both characters did not disappoint in their action scene and were just plain kick butt. It was nice to get a little bit of background story on Legolas and see that he wasn’t always the way he was. I did squeal a little and laugh when he was shown a picture young Gimil and grimaced. Throughout the movies though, I could not remember Tauriel in the books and was not surprised when I found out that she wasn’t. I know Peter Jackson was getting a lot of criticism for creating her for the movie for the sole purpose of being a love interest but personally I loved her. She was kick butt and I love myself little romance. A love triangle? Even better! I always thought the Lord of the Rings need just a bit more romance. Sure we had Aragon and Arwen but lets face it they weren’t really in it for more then a total of like 10 minutes out of all three movies that combined are like 9 hours. By the trailer even one can see that Legolas and her are part of the love story though it is forbidden. In comes (spoiler begins) Kili. I already love Kili’s character and love him and Tauriel but I also love Legolas and Tauriel but I find her and Kili just too cute! I was rooting for that till I remembered after the movie how his story ends and now I’m just depressed (spoiler ends). I like that though more of a love story was present it did not completely change and divert the plot into something that it was not. I felt the length of this movie the least I think and so far I think I like this one the best. It was still great in visuals, dialogue, cinematography, and casting/ acting. I actually love this whole cast but I will admit I got lost once or twice with the flipping between three events and I hated the gross spider. Ugh spiders but other then that I enjoyed it and won’t be surprise if it got a couple of nomination for like visuals and such.

Watch it?

Yeah why not but be warned its long so a lot of patience is needed.

Trailer Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os1G8RtqY2c

Clip 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YreJ0SamM0I

Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCt_f_WA-qA

More info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1170358/?ref_=nv_sr_1

I fear I will missed the deadline I have set for myself but anyway Happy New Year to you all!

Until next time,
